Séminaire général de critique génétique / 2023-2024

28/05/2024, École normale supérieure, 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris. Salle Paul Langevin, 16h00-18h00

After thirty years dedicated to the cataloguing and study of the thousands of handwritten papers of a writer who called himself an “archive-holic”, stored in more than five different archives, Paola Italia – co-editor of the new edition of Gadda’s works at Adelphi – takes us on a fascinating journey through the creative workshop of the engineer of literature, amid maps of the design of his works, professional engineering and formalization drawings of the most daring passages of his philosophical thought, unfinished projects still unpublished, avant-texts of masterpieces such as Cognizione del dolore and Il Pasticciaccio, and scrapbooks of his philosophical treatise published only after his death The Milanese Meditation (of which she is currently editing a new critical edition) that reveal the crucial tension in Gadda’s work between the inextricable tangle of reality and the possibility of representing it in cognitive schemes.

Paola Italia enseigne la littérature italienne et la philologie à l’université de Bologne et travaille sur les variantes d’auteur (What is authorial philology, OBP, 2021, écrit avec Giulia Raboni). Elle étudie les manuscrits et l’œuvre de Gadda depuis une trentaine d’années et, avec Giorgio Pinotti et Claudio Vela, elle est responsable de la nouvelle édition Adelphi de ses Œuvres.